44-летняя актриса Милла Йовович показала честное селфи без макияжа

Милла Йовович без макияжа

Милла Йовович – не только известная голливудская актриса, но и мать трех дочерей. В феврале этого года 44-летняя звезда киноэкранов снова стала мамой, при этом ей удается выглядеть гораздо моложе своих лет.

В этот раз Йовович решила показать фанатам свою натуральную красоту, опубликовав честное селфи без грамма косметики на лице.

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Hey everyone! So after over 2k comments asking about my skincare routine from last night’s post, I’ve spent some time today putting a list of my favorite products together and I’ll explain about them as well. Now keep in mind, I’m a total product junkie. Also, my career as an actress and a model has spanned literally 33 years😱, making skincare a major priority for me. Now that I’m looking at everything I’ve written, I realize it a god damn Opus. A Manifesto of sorts. Jeez, i never even realized how elaborate my routine is until i tried to break it down for you all. So the only way I can post it all is to do it in chunks. I’ll try and do a separate post everyday this week and write about a different part of my regime. I want to add that diet is a very important aspect of my skincare. I cook at home and shy away from ultra processed food. I don’t eat a lot of deep fried food (though i love it). Cheeseburgers and French fries are my favorite, but I keep my intake down to once a month. Deep fried food is inflammatory. I know we’ve all gotten an education on inflammation since the Covid crisis, but when it comes to food it’s pretty simple. Any oil that’s heated above a certain level becomes toxic and causes inflammation. Not only that, but it also causes your healthy cells to turn into “zombie cells” (and i know a lot about zombies). These sick, cancerous, Zombie cells literally latch on to healthy cells and turn them into zombie cells as well. And the chain reaction continues, the more deep fried food you eat. Inflammation central. Chronic inflammation. Meaning your body is constantly in a state of sickness. That makes us more prone to catching infections (hello Covid) and it also leads to dry, red skin. Want to look like an old alcoholic? Eat fried chicken or fast food everyday for a few weeks. Especially for women who have such soft and gorgeous skin. It really shows up fast. It’s horrible. So there’s that. I drink A LOT of water and smoothies. Nothing better than all those leafy green veggies and fruits mixed together to give your complexion (and your brain and body) the boost it’s craving. Ok I’m out of space. I’ll have to make another post. One sec. #notanad

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Также звезда фильма «Пятый элемент» рассказала, как ей удается поддерживать красоту и молодость. Так, она отказалась от жареной и жирной пищи, а также фастфуда. Актриса старается есть много овощей и пить несколько литров воды в день.

В комментариях к снимку в Instagram поклонники осыпали Миллу комплиментами и поблагодарили за бьюти-советы.

Ранее портал "Медикфорум" писал, что певица Анна Семенович рассказала, как она лечится от коронавируса.
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